Sabtu, Mei 08, 2010

Quote of the Day

Cantik itu relatif, Jelek itu (relatif) mutlak...

Hahhaha..itu kesimpulan gw aja si..kan sering banget gw denger orang muji "Cantik yah." terus dibales "Bukan tipe gw" ato jawaban lain yang senada. Tapi kalo jelek, keknya itu udah suatu stempel. Belum pernah gw denger orang bilang "Kok kucel amat penampilannya." yang disambut sama "Ngga ah, justru yang gini ini tipe gw."

Basically what Im trying to say is we need more effort to do, to be, to get a better things. But what can we say, that's how our society thinks, says, and acts.
Beauty is skin deep, but ugly is to the bone..

Rabu, Maret 31, 2010

Life's Fractures

Every single thing in this lovely world has it own flaws.

The more I grew up the more I realize about this. When I was a little girl, I loved to play with Barbie. My Barbie was perfect, she was skinny even she never worked out. Her hair was perfect without any dryer. And her skin was beautiful even she did not visit any dermatologist. So I thought, that's how the world worked.

I saw many different things, and many different life. There is always a crack, a fracture, if you look beyond the surface. Lets look our self for examples, there is always something you wanna change. Your height, your weight, your hair. Lets look our family and relatives, there is always someone you didn't get on well. Spoiled cousins, big-mouth uncle, drunkard mommy, loser daddy. Let look our society, our world, our life, the fractures, it's everywhere.

But time goes by, I started to learn more and more. And in every single things I learned that there is no perfect, even there is no ideal in this world. Why? I asked the same, but I guess none of us has the answer.

When I took a course of hair-do and make-up I started to see clearly a sham in a face of a beautiful bride. I started to realize how much effort, time, and energy that you have to wasted in order to cover it out. And well, since I understand about it better, I saw the world in a diffe
rent way than I used to. When I saw a beautiful lady with a full and flowing hair, I started to think about two or maybe three hours she needed in front of mirror. When I saw a glowing soft skin I started to think about how much money she spent in dermatologist, and how much foundation was spilled on her face.

In my opinion, it was totally funny. They did those effort, to make people think about how wonderful they are. And me, in the other hand think (terrific) about something else...LOL
Yes, when I understand about the process and not just about the result I became extremely agree that "Beauty is Pain".

But besides that weird kind of effect when I saw hotties on the way. I got something else also. I appreciate more about the other things. Character, personality, talent, intelligent, its like Hey, i got a new vocabulary. I never really know what those word means before. Every single woman can be pretty if they got three private hours in the morning with mirror and box of make-up, once a week appointment in dermatologist and stylist, personal trainer and gold membership in gym, trust me. But not every woman able to cook for her family, do the laundry, teach the children math, while she has a job and personal life to take care of.

"Beauty is inside, the others are just an illusions..."

Same thing happen to one of my besties, recently she took a cooking class. She love cooking, and she love food, but she is very much concern about health. First day in her class, she realized there was no healthy in a yummy food. She talk about artificial colors, chocolate paste which was in fact had zero amount of chocolate in it. It changed her minds when she saw colorful cute puddings in store, or tasty pancake. Because now she knew, they weren't as lovely as they seemed. They might contained some (if not many) ingredient that you would refuse to infiltrate your body.

And just like me, she was ended with another good conclusion. Home-made food was the best.

"If God didn't create those fractures, Then how could I peek and see the beauty beneath?"

Senin, Maret 29, 2010

Quote of the Day

"You are not sharing, you are bragging." ~ Angie Bolen

or at least that's how i feel